Our online store is integrated with our learning management system so you can begin training with your purchased courses in a matter of minutes.
The system generates registration keys for purchases allowing for self-registration into the training courses. This convenient method allows you to purchase courses for multiple learners and then distribute the registration key(s) to the learners so they can register themselves in the LMS, enter the registration codes of the purchased course(s) and begin training immediately.
You will receive an order confirmation email after you complete your purchase with your registration keys. The email also includes the following simple steps for entering registration key(s). Be sure to check your spam filter if you do not receive the email in your inbox.
Navigate to the ECOM training portal at https://evolvelms.com/lms/ecom/default.aspx
- Click the “Register” button.

2. Create a username, Enter First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Confirm.
3. Check the “Registration Key”

4. Paste or enter the Registration Key (if you have more than one key, select the + sign to add more.
5. Click the “Register and Sign In Now” button. The user is now registered for the licensed training.
6. All users will receive an automated email notification with their username, password, link to the training site and instructions on starting their training.