Volume discounts apply above 25 learners. Contact Evolve sales for a price quote and to schedule your free course evaluation!
Bloodborne Pathogens for Healthcare Workers
Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Healthcare Workers
Due to the nature of their jobs, healthcare workers are at high risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This bloodborne pathogens training course covers the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requirements for minimizing your exposure to bloodborne pathogens through the use of standard precautions such as protective clothing and equipment, the appropriate handling of sharp items and the disposal of potentially infectious waste. This course introduces the student to bloodborne pathogens, how to reduce the risk of exposure and precautionary practices that are recommended by OSHA and CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Our bloodborne pathogens training course is a must for anyone who has contact with infectious or potentially infectious bodily fluids and materials.
Course Objectives
Upon completing this bloodborne pathogen training, you will be able to:
- List the basic components of OSHA’s bloodborne pathogens standard.
- Describe three common bloodborne diseases and their modes of transmission
- Identify several types of personal protective equipment (PPE), engineering controls and work practices that can help to decrease your risk of exposure.
- Recognize warning labels.
- Define an exposure incident and describe the follow-up required.
Bloodborne Pathogen Training Course Lessons
- Introduction to Bloodborne Pathogens
- What are Bloodborne Pathogens?
- How BBP’s are transmitted.
- Exposure prevention and the BBP standard
- Requirements for an Exposure Control Plan
- Responding to Emergencies
Volume Discounts & Course Delivery
Volume discounts apply for all Evolve e-Learning safety and compliance courses above 25 learners. Online shoppers can select a healthcare compliance course bundle for even greater savings!
Larger organizations can contact us today to discuss your training needs and for a free course evaluation! We can design the course bundle that meets your specific training requirements and budgetary needs.
You can deliver our courses on your current LMS or Evolve’s hosted LMS for fast implementation.