Bud to Boss Supervisory Skills

Bud to Boss Supervisory Skills

19 video-based micro-courses for new supervisors.


Course Delivery: On Demand

Language: English

Bud to Boss Supervisory Skills Training

Moving into a position of authority brings new challenges and new responsibilities – some of which might be uncomfortable. And as a first-time supervisor, it’s common to feel overwhelmed, anxious and stressed out about transitioning from co-worker to boss.  Designed specifically to address the needs of anyone who is new to supervising and managing others, Bud to Boss will provide the foundation you need to take on your new position and move forward in your career.

You’ll find out how to communicate with former peers who are now your subordinates, how to give feedback, handle performance reviews, as well as conduct difficult conversations – all in a way that’s comfortable, productive and successful for BOTH of you.

The sad truth is that 40% of new managers fail within the first 18 months of promoting them because they don’t get the training they need to deal with people, manage workloads, mediate conflict, juggle deadlines and much more. That is why this online learning and performance support is more important than ever –  with a huge ROI for the organization!

  • A short instructional video (videos are 1 -2 minutes long)
  • Step by step Implementation Guide
  • Downloadable Job Aid
  • Self Assessment

The following courses make up the Bud to Boss e-learning Toolkit.

When you take on a new leadership position, there are a number of changes that happen including your relationships with others. Those who were once peers may now be direct reports; others who once held higher positions may now be peers. Having conversations with these individuals to discuss your changing relationship is important. It helps create understanding and set clear expectations for how things will be different. This course presents six crucial conversations you should have as you make the transition to a leadership position: Friends, Your Team, New Boss, New Peers, Your Former Boss, and Yourself. These conversations help facilitate successful work relationships, and create the foundation for an effective transition from Bud to Boss.

By completing this course, you will be able to plan and conduct productive conversations with those you will work with in your new role.

When you’re in a new role, one of the more important things to understand is what you need to do. To be successful, it is essential you know what is expected of you, including what you must do and achieve. Of course, the best person to help you understand these changing expectations is your new boss. Making the effort to have a detailed conversation with your boss should be a top priority. As Kevin Eikenberry and Guy Harris will explain, this conversation lays the foundation for your role, and will help ensure success long term. This course helps you discuss with your new boss the expectations he or she has of you, as well as what you need to be successful. Getting this clarity of expectations in both directions will bring clarity in all of the areas of your work, such as required actions, behaviors and results, as well as how you will work together.

By completing this course, you will be able to create clear expectations with your boss in your changing role.

Perhaps one of the greatest challenges in taking on a new leadership role is the transition you have to make internally. You need to be mentally prepared for the new challenges ahead. Getting clear on the new role and responsibilities, understanding the changes you’ll have to make, and believing in your capabilities all set the stage for success. This course will help you create the right personal mindset to successfully transition from Bud to Boss.

By completing this course, you will be able to know what you need to do to transition your personal mindset to be effective in your new role.

Do you have control in a particular situation? Can you influence what happens in a given scenario? Good questions to ask. Knowing what you can control and influence, and being able to choose what you will do as a result, is an important skill all leaders must have. When we clearly understand what we can do to control or influence a situation, we make better decisions, use our time wisely, and become more effective. This course will help you differentiate what you have control over and what you can influence makes a real difference. When we know what we directly control and what we can influence, we make better decisions at work, and become more effective leaders.

By completing this course, you will be able to determine what you can control and influence to increase your personal and professional effectiveness

Expectations matter. When we have high expectations for ourselves, as well as others, we typically experience higher levels of performance. That’s because individuals tend to live up to the expectations set for them. If expectations are high, we tend to reach and excel. On the other hand, if expectations are low, we tend not to perform. This course will help you create a clear picture of your current level of expectations, and understand what you need to do more of, or differently, to unleash the power of positive expectations for yourself and for your team.

By completing this course, you will know how to have positive expectations of others.

Change is all around us. We are always dealing with change, both in our personal life and at work. While this is true, as a leader, change takes on a whole new level of importance. Not only are we expected to help facilitate company change, our direct reports look to us to help them cope with and adjust to change. Therefore, it just makes sense we understand the factors that influence change, as well as people’s motivation to make any change. This course will teach you an easy formula to help remember the factors impacting anyone’s desire to make a change.

By completing this course, you will understand the factors that influence the desire and motivation to make a change.

As a leader, not only do you need to implement and lead change, you also need to do so with speed. Rarely do we have all the time in the world to make a change and get people onboard. The reality is there are deadlines and business strategies that must be accounted for and taken into consideration. The good news is that there are a few proven strategies to help us accelerate the acceptance of change. These include building a change reputation, creating an understanding of the current state, building a vision for the desired future, articulating clear first steps, and increasing your optimism. This course will help you assess how well you perform the actions associated with accelerating change with others. Once you have this information, you’ll be able to select from a list of development actions to strengthen your skills.

By completing this course, you will know how to implement the right actions to accelerate the acceptance and success of any organization change.

For most people, change is uncomfortable. It’s unpleasant. Even when it’s something we want, change can still be difficult. And when it’s something we don’t want or are unsure about, well, that’s when resistance kicks in. We’ve all experienced resistance to change, it’s a natural reaction everyone has from time to time. However, as a leader, it is essential to understand why resistance happens. When we understand the reasons for resistance to change, we are better equipped to know what to do to help others move forward. This course will help you identify the type of resistance a person or group is exhibiting. You will then learn what strategies you can use to help the person move forward.

By completing this course, you will be able to diagnose resistance to change to effectively lead and champion organization change.

Speak to people’s needs. That’s the advice Guy Harris has for leaders in this upcoming video. Understand the different traits of each person and work to meet those specific needs. That is the key to great leadership. For when you are able to adjust how you communicate with each direct report, you’ll find you are able to motivate, connect, and lead others more effectively, which ultimately leads to higher performing results. This course will help you determine who on your team has the Dominant Style of communication. This information will help you better understand what each employee needs to be successful at work, and what’s required to deliver great results.

By completing this course, you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who like to move fast and are task oriented.

As a leader, it’s important to know your people. You must know their strengths and capabilities, past work experience, and how they interact with others. All of which helps you better lead and manage your team. With that said, it’s also important to know how to motivate each person to perform at a high level. And while everyone is different, there are some behavioral and communication styles that describe most people. When you understand and can adapt your approach to the different styles, you can better motivate, inspire, and lead others. This course will help you determine who on your team has the Inspiring Style of communication. This information will help you better understand what each employee needs to be successful at work, and what’s required to deliver great results.

By completing this course, you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who are high energy and relationship oriented.

People think about and approach situations in a variety of different ways. Some are outgoing and energetic, while others are more contemplative and reserved. One is not better than the other, and both styles are beneficial to have on your team. With that said, as a leader, your challenge is to understand the various behavioral and communication styles of each of your direct reports so you can better adapt your approach in order to connect with, inspire, and motivate each person in the best way possible. This course will help you determine who on your team has the Supportive Style of communication. This information will help you better understand what each employee needs to be successful at work, and what’s required to deliver great results.

By completing this course, you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who care about others and like to evaluate before acting.

People think about and approach situations in a variety of different ways. Some are outgoing and energetic, while others are more contemplative and reserved. One is not better than the other, and both styles are beneficial to have on your team. With that said, as a leader, your challenge is to understand the various behavioral and communication styles of each of your direct reports so you can better adapt your approach in order to connect with, inspire, and motivate each person in the best way possible. This course will help you determine who on your team has the Cautious Style of communication. This information will help you better understand what each employee needs to be successful at work, and what’s required to deliver great results.

By completing this course, you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who are great with data and like to evaluate before acting.

Whether it’s a formal presentation or a meeting of a few peers, there will be times you are required to present to others. In these situations you are tasked with sharing information, influencing opinions, and persuading others to take action. Not such an easy task when you think about it. Yet, there are a few key strategies that can help you consistently deliver persuasive and effective presentations. Winning presentations are within reach for anyone, provided the right elements are in place. This course presents seven key components, that when included in your presentation will help you to be effective and persuasive with any presentation you need to give.

By completing this course, you will be able to apply the seven key components required to give a great presentation.

While giving feedback may be an essential part of your role, how you give feedback will ultimately determine your effectiveness and success as a leader. Although there are a number of techniques for giving feedback, the first thing you should know is the source of feedback available to you. That is, how should you approach a particular person to ensure the person is ready and willing to listen? Sounds difficult? It’s actually pretty easy. All you need to know are the three sources of feedback and how to apply them, and this course will teach you how. This course presents the key sources of feedback, teaching you to use them and in what situations, thus building your capabilities to give better feedback.

By completing this course, you will understand where you can tap into your feedback power and put it to use.

Coaching and providing feedback is an essential leadership skill. It is the essence of leading others. The individuals who are part of your team need to know what to do, how they’re doing, as well as what they need to do in the future. People like doing well and they want to be high performers—coaching and feedback can help get them there. This course presents four types of feedback, teaching you to use them and in what situations, thus building your capabilities to give better feedback.

By completing this course, you will be able to use the four types of feedback to create the right balance in your coaching.

Leadership is all about leading others towards excellence. Sounds wonderful, yet we all know it’s not so easy to do. There are many elements that contribute to your ability to lead your team to perform at the highest level. As you probably know already, coaching is a key part of the equation. While coaching certainly means giving feedback, it’s so much more than that. And if you can break coaching down into different steps and use a process as you focus your efforts, well you’ll be that much closer to moving everyone towards your goal. This course presents a six step coaching model you can use with your employees to coach and inspire great performance.

By completing this course, you will be able to use the six step coaching model to lead others to higher levels of performance.

We work with people. And people have different perspectives, opinions, and personalities. While these differences help stimulate new ideas and ways of thinking, they can also lead to disagreements and conflict. Sometimes the conflict is unintended; resulting from the misinterpretation of a statement or event. Yet no matter what the cause may be, if you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to reduce the escalating emotions as quickly as possible. Only then can productive discussions take place and problem resolution can occur. This course presents the Conflict Cycle model, teaching you how to identify the various stages within the cycle, as well as building your skills to reduce conflict with others.

By completing this course, you will be able to remove yourself as a source of threat during conflict to develop a mutual resolution plan.

No matter what the situation may be, conflict resolution is not easy. Emotions are high, problems are present, and personalities tend to collide. Whether you’re part of the situation or just trying to help, it’s best to have the right mindset to help guide the resolution process. This course will help you create the right mindset for resolving conflicts. By helping you know what you currently do well and don’t do, you will then be able to determine what you need to do differently to more successfully resolve conflict.

By completing this course, you will be able to create a conflict resolution mindset to increase your ability to facilitate effective conflict management.

In any given situation, people want to know why they should do something. We want to know why it matters to us, to others, and to the team or company. If the perception is that a task or assignment is unimportant or doesn’t matter, then the likelihood it gets done is greatly reduced. People want work that matters. They want to feel valuable and know their time is well spent. So when you’re setting goals for yourself or with others, be sure to answer the why question. This course will help you set goals for yourself, as well as help you set goals with your direct reports.

By completing this course, you will be able to articulate a compelling reason why a goal matters to accelerate progress towards achieving the goal.

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