Yearly Archives: 2022

Enroll in the Top 3 Sexual Harassment Training Programs of 2022

Today employers need to offer their supervisors and managers sexual harassment training. The training will help them understand relevant laws built keeping sexual harassment in mind and give them a basic idea of company policies about sexual harassment. Another significant aspect of sexual harassment training for supervisors includes investigating any claims that arise in the organization during their watch. Here is the list of the three best Sexual Harassment Training Programs of 2022 offered by Evolve e-Learning Solutions.

Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment

  • Preventing Harassment and Discrimination for California Supervisors

The ultimate objective of this sexual harassment training for supervisors course is to offer education regarding sexual harassment prevention to all supervisory employees. The program will help supervisors reduce the number of sexual harassment incidents in their organization by fulfilling their management responsibilities. Supervisors will also be trained to recognize sexual harassment, prevent abusive conduct, and promote a discrimination-free workplace. If you enroll in the course, you can offer your employees the proper education and encourage them to freely report any sexual harassment violations.

  • Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers-New York

The training program will provide your managers with the proper knowledge and guidance necessary to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Also, managers will learn how essential it is to comply with the NYS and NYC laws. The ultimate objective of this course is to help managers identify harassing behaviors, acts of retaliation, and ways to stop them. Once the managers complete this training program, they can motivate employees to report sexual harassment and even offer them bystander intervention training in case of any unacceptable behavior happens in the organization. 

  • Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees- Illinois

The end goal of this training program is to aware the employees of Illinois laws and issues relating to sexual harassment in the workplace. Employees need to know their rights and responsibilities when any abusive or unacceptable behavior persists in the organization. Also, the program will help them gain a basic understanding of how to contact the appropriate higher authorities in cases of any sexual harassment prevention. This course will also teach employees how to get the relevant Federal and State agencies, especially when no strict actions are taken by their managers or supervisors.

Get in Touch With Our Expert Training Solutions Today!

At Evolve e-Learning Solutions, you will get access to proper workplace sexual harassment training for supervisors, employees, and managers in California, Illinois, and New York. If you want to create a safe and peaceful environment in your workplace, sign up for the sexual harassment training courses by Evolve e-Learning Solutions. Reach out to us to know more about our services and training programs.

Enroll in the Top 3 Sexual Harassment Training Programs of 20222022-03-10T05:39:11-05:00

Understand The Importance Of Sexual Harassment Training For Employees!

If you have ever been a survivor of sex discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, then you know how it takes an emotional toll on your life. It costs an individual a lot more than they think. Both the individual harassed, and other employees who witness the harassment suffer from unwanted stress and anxiety over time. Sexual harassment in the workplace negatively impacts both employee morale and work productivity. That’s why the need to introduce sexual harassment prevention training in the workplace is becoming alarmingly essential.

Suppose you are still unsure whether your organization needs sexual harassment training for employees. In that case, it’s time you gain the necessary knowledge on why sexual harassment training is vital for employees.

Sexual Harassment Training For Employees

An Overview Of Sexual Harassment Training For Employees

The rate of sexual harassment in the workplace is increasing so rapidly that sometimes employees who harass their co-workers don’t even get caught. Sometimes who get harassed don’t know what to do or where to reach due to the fear of shame and discrimination or retaliation. They generally suffer from stress and trauma in isolation and never raise a voice against unacceptable and inappropriate behavior. That’s why proper sexual harassment training for employees is crucial for offering them a safe environment and ensuring that no further harassment occurs in the future.

Importance Of Sexual Harassment Training For Managers

Since employees often look up to their managers for guidance and support, sexual harassment prevention must start with them. Organizations should offer adequate online sexual harassment training for managers. When managers are educated on sexual harassment violations and how to respond to claims of harassment professionally, then employees automatically start to feel safe in the organization. Whenever any employee makes any claim of harassment, the manager needs to act quickly, do a thorough investigation and hold the involved party responsible.

Importance Of Sexual Harassment Training For Supervisors

Supervisors are often considered the first line of defense in an organization. Hence, they need to be taught the required skills to recognize any cases of sexual harassment. Supervisors should maintain a healthy and friendly relationship with empl犀利士
oyees to speak to them about anything without hesitation. Supervisors should know how to tackle the situation if any case of harassment comes up. Offering
sexual harassment training for supervisors mitigates the risk of sexual harassment claims and provides employees a safe, sexual discrimination-free work environment.


If you are ready to explore the different sexual harassment training programs for employees, Evolve e-Learning Solutions can deliver you the best-in-class training content. Maintain a sense of safety in your organization’s day-to-day work environment by joining hands with the best eLearning industry.

Understand The Importance Of Sexual Harassment Training For Employees!2023-11-23T04:44:17-05:00

Everything You Must Know About Online Sexual Harassment At Workplace!

With the advent of technology and multiple social media platforms, sexual harassment has started even when individuals are miles apart. One can be a victim of work-related sexual harassment even when they and their harasser are not physically present at the workplace.

The repercussions of Online sexual harassment at the workplace are real. The harassment adversely affects an employee inflicting emotional distress and trauma on the victim.  Sometimes, the victim might also choose to step down from her or his position out of fear and shape. To eliminate this possibility, the participation of employees in the appropriate harassment training is essential.  

Harassment Training

What is Online Sexual Harassment? 

It can be defined as unwelcome sexual conduct via any digital platform. Some types of online sexual harassment include- 

  • Making inappropriate comments and remarks
  • Forwarding pornographic and similar content
  • Unsolicited comments about someone’s gender
  • Online stalking 
  • Use of sexual innuendos and jokes
  • Making online sexual advances  

The acts of sexual harassment through online platforms can take place anywhere, including the workplace. Employees must stay vigilant while talking or responding to any person on any digital platform. 

How does online sexual harassment take place at work? 

Online sexual harassment can take place anywhere, including the workplace. Suppose your colleague or manager is unprofessional to the point of harassing you via SMS, emails, or any other digital tool. In that case, you may file a case against your employer for harassing you online. Online sexual harassment in the workplace can occur by forwarding inappropriate jokes in a group chat or sending pornographic content to colleagues. Vulgar messages, posting intimate conversations publicly, and showing gender sexual biases via email all come under online sexual harassment at work.  

How can online workplace harassment training help an organization? 

Every organization should invest in online workplace harassment training to curb the issues of online harassment at the workplace. It will help train employees and other staff members to prevent online sexual harassment, law, and appropriate code of conduct that employees should follow in an organization.

Due to the prevalence and damaging effects on an organization, employees, through this training, will learn to prevent and eliminate online sexual harassment at the workplace to create a safe work culture for everyone. Online training for employees is the first and most crucial step in preventing and combating online sexual harassment at the workplace. 

The training guides employees to report the harassment incidences to the managers instead of hiding them for fear of shame. The employees can print out emails or materials they believe have crossed the line and send them to their senior managers. The training educates employers and managers about various protocols they can stick to when an employee files a complaint. These protocols help employers deal with and combat online sexual harassment in their organizations. 

Final Thoughts 

With the proper online workplace harassment training, an organization can create a safe, happier, and harassment-free working environment. Training is a long-term investment for every organization as it helps create a workplace that fosters a sense of care and support for employees. 

If you need to conduct online sexual harassment training for employees, you can reach out to Evolve e-Learning Solutions. Here you can access multiple online training courses complimenting your organizational needs.

Everything You Must Know About Online Sexual Harassment At Workplace!2022-02-01T03:52:41-05:00
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